This poem is part of the SPOONFEED takeover of New Writing, curated by Kat Payne Ware and Sean Wai Keung. You can read the issue in full at
Yes, I’m aware of the ketchup stain on my jumper
It’s there so that I don’t have to tell you I’m struggling
The whole point of filter coffee was its bitterness that
It cost 80p & was drunk in the rain & not served in a cunting
Chemistry set & my eggs are cold & twice as expensive
This does absolutely nothing for the movie in my head
All I know is that today I was meant to write
My best ever poem about eating ass
But I’ve never felt so un-fucked
As by this avo on toast
I can’t remember
What that means though have
A tendency to drop the phrase
At job interviews, I admit I was
Broke for three years
Because I never learned how to cook
Lived off coagulated ready oats & pizza
Now the hours are spent contemplating
Sesame roasted asparagus
I wonder if October sun
Still rolls over Telegraph Hill
If I am asleep somewhere
A pensive mayo stain all along
Beware them both
Hope & dread