Dead Souls is the new novel by Sam Riviere and has just been published by Weidenfeld and Nicolson. Sam began writing at Norwich School of Art & Design and gained an MA in Creative Writing at Royal Holloway before completing his PhD in Creative & Critical Writing at UEA in 2013. He was a recipient of a 2009 Eric Gregory Award, and his debut poetry collection 81 Austerities (Faber & Faber 2012) won the Forward Prize for Best First Collection. His second collection Kim Kardashian’s Marriage was published by Faber in 2015, and was followed by After Fame: The Epigrams of Martial last year. His standalone pamphlets include Standard Twin Fantasy (Egg Box 2014) and True Colours (After Hours 2016). Safe Mode, a full-length prose text, was published by Test Centre in 2017, when he was also included in Penguin Modern Poets 5.